UTICalc Version 3.0

For children 2 to 23 months of age.

Probability of UTI based on clinical characteristics

Enter child's clinical characteristics below (all fields are required)


*Parent reported or documented history of UTI

**Other fever source can include (but is not limited to): acute otitis media, upper respiratory tract infection (i.e., any cough or congestion), gastroenteritis, pneumonia, meningitis, bronchiolitis, and viral syndrome.

© University of Pittsburgh 2024

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This form may only be used for non-commercial education and academic research purposes. If you would like to use this instrument for commercial purposes, commercially sponsored research or if you would like to incorporate the calculator into the electronic medical record system, please contact the Innovation Institute at the University of Pittsburgh at 412-383-7670 for licensing information.

Site Disclaimer:

The User acknowledges and agrees that UTICalc will be used only as an aid, and that the information contained in the tool is not intended to be (nor should it be used as) a substitute for the exercise of professional judgement. The user should confirm the information in the tool through independent sources. UTICalc is provided without warranties of any kind, express or implied, and the authors disclaim any liability, loss, or damage caused by it or its content. By continuing to use UTICalc, you have indicated your acceptance of these terms.